How to install theme in wordpress?

Method 1. Install a Theme using WordPress Admin Theme Search

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If you’re looking to install a free WordPress theme from the themes directory, then you can explore this directory from inside your WordPress dashboard.

To browse the directory, log in to your WordPress admin area. Next, go to the Appearance » Themes page and click on the Add New button.

On the next screen, you can choose from: Popular, Latest, or Favorites.
If you already know the theme that you want to use, then simply type its name into the ‘Search themes…’ field.

Clicking on ‘Feature Filter’ will allow you to sort themes based on different characteristics.
You can sort themes by subject, specific features, and layout.
Based on your search, you will see a list of themes that meet your criteria. In our case, we searched for the popular Astra theme.
When you see the theme that you want to install, simply hover your mouse over the theme’s image. This will reveal the Install, Preview and ‘Details & Preview’ buttons.
Go ahead and click on the Install button.
WordPress will now install your theme.
When your theme is ready, WordPress will show a success message.

WordPress will also display ‘Activate’ and ‘Live Preview’ buttons.
To start using this theme on your WordPress website, click on the Activate button. You’ve now successfully installed and activated your WordPress theme.
If you visit your site, it will now be using this new theme.
Some themes have additional settings that you may need to configure.
For instance, your theme may ask you to install some must have WordPress plugins, download demo data, or review its settings.

Method 2. Install a Theme by using the Upload Method from WordPress Admin
The first method that we covered only allows you to install free themes that are available in the theme’s directory.
What if you want to install a premium WordPress theme from companies like StudioPress, Elegant Themes, or Themify?
Or what if you want to install a custom theme? Well, in this case, you would need to install the theme by uploading it to your WordPress account.
Start by downloading the .zip file of the theme that you purchased from a marketplace or a commercial theme shop.
Next, go to the Appearance » Themes page in your WordPress admin area and click on the Add New button at the top.

This will take you to the Add Themes page showing featured free themes.
Since you already have the theme you want to install, simply go ahead and click on the ‘Upload Theme’ button.

You can now click on ‘Choose from’ and select the .zip file that you downloaded earlier.
Then simply click on the Install Now button.

Once your theme is installed, you will see a ‘Theme installed successfully’ message.
You’ll also see links to preview or activate your theme. To start using this theme on your WordPress website click on Activate.
If you visit your website you should now see your new theme in action.
Some themes add extra settings that you may need to configure. Depending on your theme, you may need to make these changes in the WordPress customizer or through a separate theme options panel.
In the following screenshot, you can see the Hestia Options menu. This is a special theme options panel that you can use to configure the Hestia WordPress theme.

Note: The theme upload feature is only available for self-hosted users. If you’re using, then you will not see this option because it limits you.
In order to use the custom theme upload feature, you need to use self hosted For more details, see our comparison between vs
If you want to switch from to, then read our tutorial on how to properly move from to

Method 3. Installing a WordPress Theme using FTP
If you’re feeling adventurous and want to take your skills to the next level, then you can learn about installing WordPress themes using FTP.
Remember, this method is not for true beginners because it is a little bit more advanced.
First, you need to download the theme .zip file to your computer. After that, you need to unzip the file.
This will create a new folder with the theme’s name on your computer. We downloaded the free version of the Hestia WordPress theme.

Now that you have the theme files, you are ready to upload them to your website.
To do that, you’ll need to connect to your WordPress hosting account using an FTP client. If you need help, then see our guide on how to use FTP to upload WordPress files.
Once connected, you need to go to ‘/wp-content/themes/’ folder. Inside, you’ll see folders for all themes currently installed on your website.
You can upload your new theme by adding it to this ‘wp-content/themes’ folder.
Select your unzipped theme folder from your computer. You can then drag and drop this theme folder into your website’s ‘themes’ folder.

Once you have uploaded the theme, switch back to your WordPress dashboard. Then go to Appearance » Themes.
You should now see the theme that you just uploaded.
To use this theme on your website, simply hover your mouse on top of that theme. Then click on the Activate button.
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