How to Setup wordpress in localhost?

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How to setup wordpress in localhost:

In your Computer System:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on Get wordpress.
  3. Download Wordpress Zip file from the download page.
  4. Now You have to dwonload localhost software in your computer system like: Xampp or Wampp. For this go to and download software according to your Operating system and Install It.
  5. Now Go to your directory "C:\xampp\htdocs"
  6. Create a folder For example "testwordpress".
  7. Extract your wordpress zip files in this folder.
  8. It should be like this:

  9. Now go to open xampp control panel from your system and start Apache & MySql

  10. After starting xampp control now open browser type url http://localhost/phpmyadmin and create a database.
  11. After creating database open url http://localhost/your-folder-name(i.e. you created in the htdocs folder) example: http://localhost/testwordpress
  12. It will start wardpress installation, Now you can add details like you want.
  13. For data base section add the following details:
  14. Databse name: Name of database that you create.
  15. Database User: root
  16. Databse Password: do no write anything in this field.
  17. Now proceed, you can login to site by username and password created by installation process, And enjoy.
Thanks for reading article.
For more information visit wordpress official site.

Also Watch video on Youtube: 

How to setup wordpress in localhost:

Also Read: What is Wordpress?


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